Get In Touch.
Whilst I try to ensure that all work materializing from Hillview Studio is up to date, please get in touch if you have any query.
Contact Simon for further information about the following:
- Hillview Studio; Visits may by arranged by prior arrangement with artist. Small groups welcome.
- Unframed/framed early originals for sale at Hillview Studio and may be viewed by prior arrangement with artist.
- Commissions are undertaken. These always take more time especially for a watercolour or an oil painting and so please allow for this. Details agreed for each individual commission.
- Small selection of Limited Edition Prints, cards. Image Rights for publishing and electronic mailing.
- Talking to individuals or small art groups. I am self taught, like to paint alone and do not consider myself a good enough demonstrator/teacher but I am always happy to talk to anyone who needs another perspective. However much you have painted, we all need encouragement and I am always happy to help if I can. I normally only charge for travel but this can be discussed.
Accurate prices are only available at each individual gallery or directly from myself depending on the paintings location. However, if there are any images that appear on the site of interest to you (and some will already have been sold), please give me a ring (answering machine if I am not in at 01225 331448) or preferably email me at and I can let you know.
A limited range of older work may be seen by a visit arranged to my studio and the price will reflect this fact. Although seldom done due to cost involved, work may allow for posting safely but payment by cheque, BACS or other agreed arrangement must be made prior to shipment. Postage and packing calculated for each painting.
Simon B. Hodges PS
12 Hillview Road, Larkhall, Bath. BA1 6NX
01225 331448