Galleries & Exhibitions
This is the reference section for societies and galleries who show my work from year to year and details of exhibitions and galleries that are currently showing my work.
Current & Upcoming Exhibitions
The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2025
Opening on Wednesday 22 January to Saturday 8 February 2025. A full schedule of ‘Studio events’ being run during the exhibition, may be found on The Mall Galleries and The Pastel Society websites. Find out more about pastel, me and how I work as well other pastel artists and their work. For a personal invitation to the preview night on Tuesday 21 January, please contact me direct.
Larkhall Open Studios and Garden trail 2025.
Watch this space for information about next year’s art trail and Hillview Studio and garden opening. For further details, please go to Larkhall Festival website.
Hillview Studio; 12 Hillview Road, Larkhall. Bath. BA1 6NX
Castle Fine Art Gallery, Bath
Acrylics and pastels of Bath skyline, Milsom Street Abbey, Pultenay Bridge and other places around Bath recently added to those currently available.
13 Old Bond Street, Bath. BA1 1BP
01225 789298
LeCorre Gallery, Bradford on Avon has now closed.
Andre LeCorre is still available is continuing various new ideas with the artist. Work is still available from Andre LeCorre.
Art Galleries & Societies
Work and information about the artist can currently be found in the following private galleries, societies and locations:
Hillview Studio
Studio of the artist. By appointment with artist only. Early finished work unframed and framed on display and for sale. Small groups welcome to discuss work & see what goes on behind the finished work (contact direct for more information and to discuss options.)
Hillview Studio, 12 Hillview Road, Larkhall. Bath. BA1 6NX
01225 331448
Castle Fine Art, Bath Gallery
Invited Artist to Gallery; finished oils, acrylic and pastels of Bath.
13 Old Bond Street, Bath. BA1 1BP
01225 789298
Andre LeCorre
Invited Artist to Andre LeCorre. Also framer to the artist and outlet by appointment only for both a variety of framed paintings and drawings. To make appointment, please contact Andre LeCorre direct.
Widbrookgrange Hotel
Invited artist with work for sale hung in reception rooms and bars illustrating the local landscape.
Widbrookgrange Hotel, Trowbridge Road, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1UH
01225 864750
Mall Gallery Website – paintings for sale
Contact The Mall Galleries for any enquiries about available work.
The Pastel Society
Membership and contact details. No sales site apart from sealed bids during the annual exhibition.
Larkhall Open Studios
Larkhall Open Studio Trail. Information on local artists and those appearing each first May Bank Holiday on our Art Trail as part of The Larkhall Festival.
Visage Gallery, Bath
Invited Artist to Gallery; finished oils, acrylic and pastels of various landscapes.
0791 260 1966